Vendor Guide
Please do not apply for a Heart to Home Community Market if you do not plan to accept a market application or do not plan to attend the markets you sign up for.
By submitting an online application, you agree to all Heart to Home Community Market rules, guidelines, and requirements, and necessary forms for each market location. Before submitting your application, make sure to confirm the following:
1. Your product meets all market criteria.
2. You are aware of the required permits and certifications and forms to sell products at a Heart to Home Community Market.
3. You acknowledge that you have the following:
Valid CO Sales Tax ID
Detailed descriptions of your product and processes
Copies of Permits and Certifications (or you have a plan in place to secure them as needed before attending any Heart to Home Community Market)
Proof of Liability Insurance (or you have a plan in place to secure it before attending any Heart to Home Community Market).
If you are planning to attend a market at Aurora Crossing Shopping Center, you understand you are required to have an Aurora Sales Tax License in addition to the Colorado sales tax license. It is $16 for two years.
4. Heart to Home Community Market uses an online vendor portal for all application submissions and vendor communications. Each new vendor MUST set up a vendor account at the time of application submission, or you will not be notified about your application submission or status. The vendor portal will guide you through the process of creating an account. You can email Market staff with additional questions or concerns.
Market Details:
Young Entrepreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs 17 and under will receive a 50% discount for participation at the Heart to Home Community Market Kids Events on 5/4/25 and 9/6/25.
Community Tent Space:
What if you don't have enough product for a standard 10'X10' booth? No worries! We are pleased to be able to offer 6’ table space rentals as part of a community tent at each market. The table space will be in a tent with other local vendors who are in a similar position. These tent spaces will be set up to allow the maximum # of vendors per tent along with a safe and enjoyable shopping experience for market customers.
This space is $35 per market.
Vendor Acceptance Process:
Facebook Vendor Group: We encourage you to join our vendor Facebook page located at This will be the first place for announcements, changes, weather updates and any other pertinent information related to our markets. We have 75-100+ participants at each market, therefore sending emails and making phone calls to each vendor isn’t time effective. Facebook will be a one-stop-shop for all announcements related to each market.
Booth Sizes: All booth spaces will be 10’X10’ unless stated differently in each market description. All market booth spaces will be in-line except for a few possible corner spaces at select markets. Corner booths will be at the beginning and end of the designated event rows and will be extremely limited. If a larger booth space is requested, such as a 10’X20’, please select the correct check box on your application. The sooner applications are submitted, approved and paid for, the better chances there are for larger booth spaces should they be requested.
Vendor Exclusivity Opportunities:
Booth Assignments: Booth spaces will be strategically assigned with each vendor category in mind. Our goal is to create a fun and exciting and safe shopping experience for all our customers, while maintaining the necessary emergency and fire code requirements for each of our market locations. Vendor booth placement will be determined by Heart to Home Community Market staff and is considered final and will not be changed, unless the property or Fire Department requests a change be made. Booth assignments will be emailed to vendors 7-14 days prior to each market.
Tent Requirements: All tents must be either a 10’X10’ or 10’X20’ based on the size requested on the vendor application.
Tents must be clean & without visible holes or stains.
Tents are required to have a top, back, and two sides.
Tents are required to be a pop-up style tent. Tents that must be built pole-by-pole are not allowed at any Heart to Home Community Market
Tent Weights: A minimum of 50lbs of weight is required per tent leg. Vendors will not be allowed to remain set up at a market if their tent is not properly weighed. Proper weights are a local and Fire Department regulation. It is also strongly suggested that the middle of each vendor tent be secured by weight to the tent frame (by rope, bungee cord, etc.)
*** Cinderblock or bricks will not pass fire department inspection. ***
Booth Sharing & Subleasing: Vendors who are collaborating together, but selling separately, MUST submit two different applications and email market staff at once both applications have been submitted to let us know that you are applying together. Each vendor applying to booth share must indicate the name of the vendor they wish to share with! Market staff will review these applications together and ensure booth sharing makes sense. For example, Market staff will not allow a vendor to sell freeze dried candy and partner with another vendor selling soap. If a vendor is selling soap a good partner would be considered a vendor selling other bath & body products. A maximum of two artists per booth space.
Booth Staffing Responsibilities: Please provide the names of anyone, besides the vendor applicant, who could be responsible for staffing your booth on your application. All alternate individuals staffing your booth space must be over the age of 16 and be responsible for all Heart to Home Community Market and Property Management market rules. No exceptions. For your safety and the integrity of our markets, we need to know this information in advance of each market date.
Weather: All Heart to Home Community Markets will be held outside whether there is rain, snow or sunshine. 50lb weight per tent leg is required and another weight from the center of your tent is highly recommended. Colorado is known for windy days and sudden microbursts. In the rare occasion that the market location requires evacuation or cancellation due to severe weather OR if it is determined that it is unsafe to hold a market due to weather, or issues outside of our control, Market staff will work with each vendor on an individual case basis to move you to a future market. Refunds will not be issued.
Cancellation Policies: Please communicate with Market staff if a market is unable to be attended for any reason.
Vendor Cancellation: In the event a vendor is unable to participate in a scheduled market, the vendor agrees to notify Market staff by text 303.798.2036 AND email a minimum of 2-hours before scheduled vendor arrival time. Include your name, business name, and booth number (if known) when reaching out so Market staff can help in a timely manner. It is the sole discretion of Market staff to treat the Vendor’s failure to participate in a market event as a breach of vendor contract. Heart to Home Community Market is not obligated to refund any vendor monies, or move a vendor to a future market, for any market a vendor is unable to attend for any reason.
Refunds and Event Changes: There are no booth refunds, no transfer dates, date/event exchanges for any reason. Market staff will do their best to handle each situation on a one-off basis, although there are no guarantees outside of market event policy.
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State of Colorado Sales Tax Requirements (ACTION): It is the responsibility of each vendor to collect and submit the local city and state sales tax as required by Colorado law. Each vendor is required to have a copy of their sales tax license available at each market in case of an audit (photo or screen shot is ok).
State of Colorado: About Special Event Sales Tax - A special event is a retail sales event located outside of a business' physical location. Examples include, but are not limited to craft fairs, art walks, festivals, holiday markets, antique shows, and garage/yard sales.
All sellers participating in the event must collect the applicable state and state-administered local sales taxes due and remit the sales tax collected to the Department. However, sellers may elect to remit such taxes to the event organizer, if the organizer has obtained a special event license. A seller participating in the event may make this election, even if the seller has obtained a special event license of their own.
Sellers at special events will need to obtain a special event license from the Department prior to the event. Additionally, there may be local sales tax requirements for the event. Be sure to contact the event organizer and/or the local government prior to the event for more information.
After the event, sellers should file a special event sales tax return by the 20th of the month following the first day of the special event, if they have not remitted sales tax to the event organizer. For example, if an event was held from February 13-15, the special event sales tax return will be due on or before March 20th. More information about filing a return can be found on the "How to File a Special Event Return" section below.
Special Event License Requirements – Vendors - Anyone making retail sales at one or more Heart to Home Community Market in the city of Aurora, must obtain a special event license. A special sales event is an event where retail sales are made by more than three sellers at a location other than their normal business location(s) and that occurs no more than three times in any calendar year.
Retailers are required to have a special event license when selling their products at a special event at another location. Special event licenses apply only to retail sales made at the special sales event by the seller to whom the license is issued. The license does not apply to sales made at the seller's regular business location or at any other location.
The only exception to the special event license requirement is if the event is held 3 or more times per year. In that case, your business would need a Retail Sales Tax License.
How to File Special Event Sales Tax with the state of Colorado - Any seller participating in a special event must file a return and remit payment of sales taxes for the event, unless the seller has remitted the taxes to the event organizer who has obtained a license as described above. If the event organizer has obtained a license, the organizer must file a return and remit payment for all sellers that have elected to remit taxes to the organizer.
The seller's or organizer's return and payment must be filed and remitted by the 20th day of the month following the month in which the special event began. If the 20th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return and tax remittance is due the next business day.
Special event sales tax returns can be filed online or on paper. For more information about online filing, visit the How to File Special Events Online web page. If filing by paper, be sure to use the Special Event Sales Tax Return (DR 0098).
Note: Retailers selling products at a special event should use their special event license number as their Colorado Account Number (CAN), instead of their retail sales tax license number. Special event sales tax cannot be filed using a Retail Sales Tax Return (DR 0100).
File Special Event Sales Tax Online - Step-by-Step Instructions - Once your event is completed, you may file your Special Event Sales Tax Return. To file your special event return, follow these steps:
Go to Revenue Online(opens in new window). You do not need to log in.
Select “File a Special Event Sales Tax Return” in the “Sales and Use Tax” box.
For the “Special Event Date,” select the timeframe for your event from the drop-down.
Important information will be displayed on the screen. Be sure to review it before selecting “Continue."
You will see a list of events that have already been added to Revenue Online. They are sorted by location. Online forms are not available for every special event.
Review the list and select on the Event Name for your special event (if applicable), and select “Next” to continue.
You may also select the words "Event Name" or "Start Date" to sort the list.
Be sure to select the correct form for your event.
The forms are custom-made for each special event and include the applicable state-administered tax rates.
If your event is not listed, select “Click here if the event you attended is not available” and select “Next” to continue.
Fill in all of the required information and follow all system prompts to file your return.
Colorado Sales Tax Process:
You can find more information about sales tax licenses at
A Colorado sales tax license is required for attending any Heart to Home Local Outdoor Market Event. Please visit Revenue Online – State of Colorado or MyBizColorado to register for your required Colorado Sales Tax License for only $16 for two years.
ACTION: A PDF copy of each vendor’s sales tax license must be submitted to Market staff a minimum of two weeks before the first Heart to Home Community Market.
Sales Tax license submission due date: April 1, 2025, if you do not submit your sales tax license with the vendor application.
Please email PDF to
The email subject line should read (YOUR NAME + Sales Tax License)
Failure to submit the sales tax license, with result in not being able to participate in markets until that is submitted and confirmed received.
City of Auora Sales Tax Information: In order to participate in any outdoor market in the city of Aurora, each vendor must complete the special event attendee registration in addition to having a special event sales tax license. A copy of this registration must be provided to Heart to Home Community Market staff before attending markets.
Special event attendee registration: Aurora Tax & Licensing Portal Go to Registration then Register to attend a special event (vendors). Complete the required form and submit.
Tax returns in Aurora: Aurora Tax & Licensing Portal – Go to Returns and select special event tax return. Complete the online document and follow the directions on the portal.
Highlands Ranch & Douglas County Sales Tax Information: Highlands Ranch and Douglas County Colorado, do not have its own retail sales tax department. Highlands Ranch is an unincorporated community in Douglas County, meaning it is not a home-rule municipality and does not administer its own sales taxes. Special event vendors in Highlands Ranch and Douglas County, Colorado, must follow specific procedures for filing and remitting sales tax since the county does not have its own tax department. Here’s how it works:
1. Obtain a Colorado Sales Tax License (Process outlined above)
All vendors, including special event vendors, must have a Colorado Sales Tax License issued by the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR).
If you don't already have one, you can apply online through the Colorado Revenue Online Portal.
2. Collect the Appropriate Sales Tax
Vendors are required to collect sales tax based on the location of the event. For Mountainview Christian Church location, this includes:
Colorado Sales Tax - 2.90%
Douglas County Sales Tax - 1.00%
Regional Transportation District (RTD) Sales Tax - 1.00%
Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (CD) Sales Tax - 0.10%
Highlands Ranch Sales Tax - No Tax
Total Tax Rate: 5.00%
3. File and Pay Sales Tax
Special event sales are reported to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
Vendors can file their taxes online through the Revenue Online Portal or using a paper form, such as the DR 0100 - Colorado Retail Sales Tax Return.
Be sure to include the specific location code for the event when filing. For events in Douglas County, use the location codes provided by the DOR for accurate allocation of taxes.
4. Deadlines
Taxes are typically due monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on the volume of your sales and your assigned filing frequency. Special event vendors should ensure they file and pay taxes by the due date specified by the Colorado Department of Revenue.
Liability Insurance (ACTION): A certificate of insurance is required for all Heart to Home Community Markets from EVERY vendor.
Please add Heart to Home Community Market as an additional insured to your market insurance policy:
Heart to Home Community Market
10949 E. Peakview Avenue
Englewood, CO 80111
Proof of insurance will need to be submitted in PDF form, no later than April 1, 2025. Failure to submit a valid market insurance policy, with result in not being able to participate in markets until that is submitted and confirmed received.
Please email PDF to The email subject line should read (YOUR NAME + Liability Insurance)
If you are an artist/crafter, you can purchase market insurance at Food vendors can visit Small Business owners who resell/wholesale should contact current homeowners or business insurance company.
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Early Teardowns: Vendors are required to remain open during full market hours. NO EARLY TEARDOWNS for any reason! Bring enough products to sell throughout the day. Early Teardowns are disruptive to both vendors and customers and are strictly prohibited. ____________________________________________________
Vendor Parking: Vendors can ONLY park their vehicle(s) in the designated vendor parking spots. If vendors park in non-designated areas, you will be asked to move your vehicle by property security or the local fire department. Parking spaces closest to the event are reserved for the customers. If they don’t have anywhere to park, they won’t shop!
Alcoholic Beverages & Smoking: No outside alcoholic beverages or smoking will be allowed on any market premises for any reason at any time during the market, including setup, takedown or during the event. Smoking includes the use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, clove cigarettes, marijuana, vape or anything else that involves inhaling and/or exhaling anything but the air we breathe. If a vendor has someone running their booth, for any reason, and that person is found to be in violation of market rules, the vendor who rented the booth space will be held liable.
Trash: All booth spaces must be free from trash after each market. Market staff will have designated trash bins at various locations throughout each market should they be needed for proper booth space clean-up.
Fire Hazards: Burning of candles, incense, or any other open spark flame will NOT be permitted for any reason on market premises. This includes smoking of any kind. Please leave the market premises if you need to smoke, and discard cigarettes/cigars, etc. in a safe manner.
Music: Market staff encourages each vendor to have fun at the market events and if that involves playing music in your booth spaces, please do so. We just ask that there is no loud music or noise that can be heard outside of your booth space.
Heart to Home Community Market staff also reserves the right to play music in common areas as designated and approved by the property management staff.
Pets & Children: Vendors are welcome to bring children to market events. Market staff requires children are not disruptive to any market activities and are adequately monitored and cared for. Market staff is not responsible for looking after children or covering your booth space for bathroom and food breaks. Children under the age of 16 may not be left unattended in booth space for any length of time for any reason.
Vendors are not allowed to bring pets to events, except for service animals. Any violations to these policies may disqualify vendors from future markets.
Advertising & Printed Materials: Vendors may not approach customers in the market aisle ways with any printed materials or may not hand out materials not pertaining to the products being sold. Vendors may bring business cards and encourage customers to visit social media or website pages for other events and market listings.
Internet Service: Heart to Home Community Market does not provide internet service at any of its market events. Be prepared to use a hot spot on a cell phone or tablet to take necessary payments. It is the vendors’ responsibility to have portable cell phone power banks handy to keep phone charged.
Generator Use and Power: Generators are prohibited at all Heart to Home Community Market events unless a food truck identifies one is needed when submitting vendor applications. Additionally, Heart to Home Community Market does not provide power at any event markets. If you need to charge a cell phone or other electronics, we recommend a power bank.
Food Licensing:
Food Truck: Arapahoe Crossings
Vendor Check-in and Load-in Process (ACTION): Vendors will be given a load-in timeframe 7-14 days in your market packet prior to each market. Please be on time for your load-in time window or you may be required to wait until all other check-ins are complete for the current time slot, or there is an opening without causing other vendors to be late for their check in time, before you will be allowed to check-in.
All vendors and supporting vehicles must check-in at the designated location identified on the market packet before driving to your booth space and unloading. There will be cones set up and the check-in lines will be clearly outlined where to check in. You will follow this process for check-in and check-out.
Vendor booth space assignments are subject to change based on many factors. Final booth assignments will be provided at vendor check in.
Each booth space will be visibly marked with booth numbers and vendors will be given directions to their booth at check-in.
Only one vehicle per booth may be allowed on the market space at a time. This is subject to change based on Fire Department Regulations. Please let market staff know, on your application, how many vehicles you will need on market grounds.
All vendors are required to unload their vehicles and then move their vehicle to the designated parking area BEFORE SETTING UP YOUR BOOTH SPACE. This is to ensure the smooth operation of unloading 70+ vehicles without causing traffic jams and accidents.
All vehicles must be off the market space 30 minutes before the start of each market. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter!
Load Out Rules (ACTION):
1. All vendors are required to remain open during market times.
2. Vehicles must enter and exit through the designated assigned route.
3. No vehicle will be allowed in the market space, after the end of the market to load until your tent has been completely broken down, and your booth is completely packed up. Market staff will allow vehicles into the event space at their sole discretion. Vendors must demonstrate that they are packed up and ready to load their vehicle before their vehicle may enter the event space. This ensures that the traffic flow of 75+ vendors is consistently moving and not causing delays. Thank you for your understanding!
Inappropriate or Unsafe Language or Behavior: There is a zero-tolerance policy at all Heart to Home Community Markets for vendors and/or customers exhibiting unsafe or obscene language or behavior (yelling, bullying, intimidation, unsafe driving, illegal business practices, etc.)
The parties exhibiting this behavior will be asked to leave immediately and will terminate future participation in any future market with Heart to Home Local Outdoor Market and will relinquish all subsequent booth fees.
If a vendor has been found in violation of any of market terms and conditions, and is not allowed in future markets, all markets fees that have been paid will be considered a forfeit and will not be returned to the vendor.
We are excited to have you join us at the 2025 Heart to Home Community Market and Market staff will do everything we can to support you and your business!